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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 7 June 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1638
Message From the 1st Vice President

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
By-Laws: What they are and why we need them!

What are By-laws? By-laws are an outline of the structure of an organization. Alone, they do not make an effective organization, but they are necessary to enable an organization to function properly.
Why do we need By-laws? Members can determine what rules they agree on and abide by while allowing them to make changes as the organization grows. By-laws must be adhered to by the membership and not altered by any officer to fit a specific situation.

With the 2022 State Grand Convention coming up in June, (this month), I encourage all, especially the delegates, to read the current by-laws of our organization so that he/she will be able to make intelligent decisions when voting. There will be amendments to the current by-laws presented during the convention on which a delegate can express an opinion and cast a vote. With that said, please study the proper procedure for making motions and amending motions. Knowledge of proper procedures will expedite the meeting proceedings.

Saturday, May 7, 2022, I connected with the ZOOM Link for Grand and Subordinate Councils meeting at 9:30am with our National President Robert Bianchi, Esq. I can not emphasize enough on the pleasure of joining the Zoom link and hearing all of what “National is doing for US”! The meeting was videoed, and our State Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski was able to share the video with the Lodge Presidents, State Officers, State Past President, and State Committee Chairpersons with the hope they will share with OSDIA membership! Our National President, Officers and Office Staff are working hard to keep us informed on what is being accomplished.

Friday, May 13, 2022, I had the pleasure traveling to the Modesto Lodge #2021 to initiate Eight new members into the lodge. It was a wonderful evening and rewarding to have the honor as acting Herald. All officers were present including Treasurer Donna Ferreira via FaceTime.

I also made my State Officer Official visit to the lodge. Each meeting they have member cooked dinner. A successful Mother’s Day Tea was held on May 7th, and at the end of the year donate funds to two charities and next spring they will be awarding scholarships to local high school seniors. Planning “A Taste of Italy” dinner fundraiser October 14, 2022, highlighting various Italian dishes to give the guests a real Italian experience! The lodge is a busy group!

Lodge President Louise Nishikawa and her officers are doing an excellent job of Leadership for the Modesto Lodge.

I am looking forward to visiting and connecting with friends at State Convention in Anaheim, CA in June 2022. that I have not seen since the pandemic began.

Until next month - Ciao


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786