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Louise Silacci Candidate for State President of the Grand Lodge of California

  • 2 June 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1325
Louise Silacci Candidate for State President of the Grand Lodge of California

Saluti Fratelli e Sorelle,

Let me introduce myself for those of you who have not met me yet.  My name is Louise Marie Silacci.  I belong to Hanford Lodge #1543 and have been a member for the past 35 years.  My goal is to let you all know who I am and why I want to be your next President for the Grand Lodge of California.


Where it all began…On my father’s side, the Silacci’s immigrated from Corippo, Switzerland, and landed in Marin County, settling in Petaluma; the same goes for my Grandmother’s family who were Dado’s and immigrated from Locarno, Switzerland, landing around Point Reyes then settling also in Petaluma. On my Mother’s side, the Lelmorini’s immigrated from Intragna, Switzerland - also landing in Point Reyes, while my Grandmother (Genazzi) immigrated from Villa Maria, Lucerne, Switzerland, ending in Marin County.  Now those were some solid roots!  What is relevant is that my father, Walter Silacci (born 1919) was active in many service orientated lodges such as Order Sons of Italy in America, Swiss Club, Elks, Druids, Native Sons of the Golden West and more, along with being a hard working dairy farmer.  Leo Lavio and Bob Carippo two of my fathers life long friends were always found by his side supporting their lodges and their community.


With the influence of my father and mother (Walter and Loretta) their love of family and giving back to their community they so loved, in 1989 I chose to become a member of the Hanford Lodge when I moved to the dairy right across the road from Fred and Lilia Giacomazzi.  It did not take me long from becoming a member, to getting involved as an officer, often doing several terms per office. 


Starting with:

  • Historian
  • Youth Group Leader
  • Mistress of Ceremony
  • Chaplain
  • Sergeant of Arms
  • Secretary
  • Trustee
  • Vice President
  • President
  • Immediate Past President
  • State Delegate
  • United Lodges of the San Joaquin - Treasurer. 
  • As a Central representative, I served a full term as State Trustee from 2019-2021.
  • Grand Lodge of California Scholarship Committee 2019-2022

As for what I did in my spare time leading up to my Sons of Italy adventures:

 I received my:

  • AA Degree from Santa Rosa Junior College
  • BA Degree from Fresno State University
  • Health Science and K-12 Teaching and Administrative Credentials from Chapman University
  • Masters in Education from National University
  • Ph.D. In Curriculum in Education from LaSalle University

My work history is not that exciting:

  • 14 years working in GI/Pulmonary/Cardiology & Sleep Labs
  • 26 years working on Level IV yards for the California Department of Corrections as a teacher
  • 3 years on the front lines of COVID as Testing and Event Coordinator. 
  • Currently working as a substitute teacher

For fun:

 I was involved with various clubs and organizations of which I also held offices:

  • Kings / Tulare Arts Council 1990 - 1994
  • Kings County Planning Commissioner for District 5 from 1994 - 2014
  • Kings County Farm Bureau Member and started their Farm Days & Ag in the Classroom which is still going strong today with over 2,300 3rd graders on average, attending every year.
  • Kings County ‘June’ Dairy Month Committee
  • Kings County Dairy Princess Committee
  • Kings County Dairy Princess Chaperon/Advisor for many years
  • Our Family was named Kings County Dairy Family of the Year!
  • 4-H Leaders Council and past State President, as well as Community Club/ Project Leader (for cooking, sewing, crafts, dairy goats, photography, automotive for girls, etc.), for over 30 years.
  • Advisor to California 4-H state Ambassadors 2011 - 2013, Leadership Team, serving over thousands of members, aged 5-18 years of age.
  • Board member of Kings County Symphony Orchestra Assn. Inc.
  • Member Kings County Historical Society
  • Served 2 years on the Kings County Grand Jury from 2019 - 2021
  • Previous Recipient then turned member of the Common Threads committee in Partnership with the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation, California State University at Fresno, Ag One Foundation and the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology from 2014 - 2020.

My goals as your President of the Grand Lodge of California Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America:

  1. With our dwindling membership, there is no need to have three districts.  Two districts would be sufficient for the under 2,000 membership. Two Vice Presidents instead of three and four Trustee's instead of six.
  2. Work on having two office locations, one northern, one southern for easy accessibility for all.
  3. Focus on serving our membership, not having our brothers and sisters serve the Grand Lodge.
  4. Work together as a team, meaning there would be No Closed Sessions.  Everyone knows everything, at any time and on time after our Grand Council meetings and Grand Lodge Conventions.  Our rules and bylaws are for everyone, not the select few that were brave enough to take an office to promote our Italian heritage. 
  5. Have a Youth Retreat, put on by all Lodge Queens.  Everyone learns leadership skills while mentoring our youth for when they become adult members.
  6. Rebuild trust in the Grand Lodge from its membership and streamline communications with ALL members to participate in podcasts for those willing and interested.
  7. I will ensure the minutes of our Grand Lodge Convention as well as our Grand Lodge Quarterly Council meetings  are completed and mailed out to our delegates within 30 days of the end of each meeting.

Membership will be a MAIN FOCUS as well as connecting the dots between the Grand Lodge and National.  We need to be on the same page as National in order to grow.

Categories: Uncategorized

Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786