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Heritage and Culture

In Loving Memory of Andrew Joseph Pampuro

  • 9 March 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1875
In Loving Memory of Andrew Joseph Pampuro

Andy was born on July 28, 1931 in New Haven, Connecticut. His parents were John and Mary Pampuro. He was the eldest of three children. His brother passed away in 1983 and his sister on 2021. He also has a half-brother. 

Andy was a member of OSDIA for 53 years. He served as editor of the IL Leone for 24 years. He loved doing the paper till he got sick. Andy joined the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in 1970 with his wife Louise. Almost immediately they both became very active with the Centinela Valley Lodge. In 1971 Andy became the editor of the lodge newsletter which he called “The Little Lion.’ In 1973 Andy was appointed a member of the Press and Radio Commission. A position he held for 17 years, from 1974 to 1981. He also served as the Recording Secretary of the United Lodges of Southern California. In later years, Andy became President of the United Lodges and held that office for eight years. Andy was the longest serving President of the United Lodges. 

In 1974, Andy was elected as the Recording Secretary of the Centinela Valley Lodge until 1983, when he became the President. In1974, he was appointed State Deputy to the Hacienda Lodge and served for four years. In 1977 Andy was elected a State Delegate for the first time and in 1979 was appointed Grand Herald for the Grand Lodge Convention in Visalia. He was appointed Grand Herald again in 1981 when the United Lodges of Southern California hosted the Grand Lodge Convention in Los Angeles. In 1983 Andy was named Electoral Chairman. In 1985 he was named the Pageant Director and M.C for the Anaheim Convention. Then in1989 he did it again for the Denver Lodge. In 1991 he was named Chairman of the Queen’s Contest Committee as well as the Pageant Director and M.C for the Long Beach Convention. 

Andy was master of ceremonies for many United Lodges events and even for some of the filial lodges. He also taught county western line dancing at the Centinela Valley Lodge hall. 

The lion is the symbol of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. Andy was a Leo so the lion has a double meaning to him. He has a very large collection of lions, a hobby he really enjoyed. I’m sure Andy is getting involved in heaven on some committee; it’s his nature to do so. 

Rest in Peace dear friend and fraternal brother. You will be missed. 

Special thanks to Louise Pampuro and Sylvia for their help with the article. 

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786