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Heritage and Culture

Greetings from Petaluma!

by Louise Vicino

  • 4 April 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2841

Greetings from Petaluma!

We had a small group for our dinner meeting this month. The members who attended had a delicious corned beef and cabbage dinner, thanks to Ed Santero and his kitchen cooks and crew. Thanks too, to those members who helped in any way and who made the desserts. I lost my notes from the meeting and being a senior citizen, cannot remember everything that went on.

Fred Schram spoke about the Fish Hatchery and invited members to go on a tour. Reservations need to be made to do so.

Dave Biggio won the monthly raffle.

There was discussion on finding a new hall to meet. President Ernie was going to look into the Veterans Hall and get back with information.

Our Deputy Rick Branch gave us his words of wisdom. Always nice to have him with us.

The meeting for April is cancelled due to the coronavirus epedemic.

Nice to see Don and Marie DiCarli. Glad he got thru his surgery, he looks great.

The coronavirus epidemic is making it hard for families to be together. We are going through very difficult times and it doesn’t look as though it is going to be over any too soon. So make sure you call family members and tell them you love them. You can never say it enough.

Get well wishes to any one who is ill. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating this month. Our condolences to Josephine Lavio on the loss of her sister.

Remember to pray for our service members, the homeless, victims of crime, those ill from the virus, and for our country and the world.

Be nice to someone, you will always get it back in return.

Louise Vicino

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786