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Heritage and Culture

Cornelia-Vita Nuova Polenta and Sausage Dinner

By Maria Pignati

  • 1 April 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1156
Cornelia-Vita Nuova Polenta and Sausage Dinner

On Saturday, March 2, the Cornelia-Vita Nuova Lodge of San Francisco held its annual Polenta and Sausage Dinner at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club in North Beach.  Past Lodge and State President Maria Fassio Pignati welcomed close to 240 guests, and introduced Lodge President Jennifer De Palma Chandler who spoke and introduced our dignitaries. Italian Vice-Consul Vitalba Gammicchia spoke on behalf of Consul General Sergio Strozzi, who was unable to attend. Representing our State President Arlene Nunziati was Past State and National President Vera Girolami, who is our State Deputy.  We were also pleased to have Past State President Lynn Lawrence-Murphy and Past First Gent Bill, Gloria Garibaldi, and Past Lodge President Angela Silva with us.  Past First Gent Ugo Pignati was in charge of the raffle which featured many beautiful prizes. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful “Italian Soul Food” dinner followed by dessert, including delicious meringues lovingly made by Past Lodge President Linda De Palma and special homemade cookies made by our members Sandy Del Grosso, Jennifer and Georgia Chandler, Stella Riccio, Angela Silva and others.  A big shout-out to Angelo Fanucchi, President of the Columbia Lodge of San Mateo, who brought a group of 15 people, and special thanks to accordionist Ron Borelli, who provided music during the cocktail hour. Thank you to everyone who donated baskets and brought desserts which helped make the event very successful.


Italian Vice-Consul Vitalba Gammicchia with Past Lodge and State President Maria Fassio Pignati

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786