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Heritage and Culture

Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149

by Olivia DeLiddo, President

  • 14 November 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1610

Hello to everyone! On September 22, the Mother Lodge celebrated its 100th anniversary. We began as Cristoforo Colombo 1149, in 1922, added a ladies auxiliary, Stella d’Italia 1498 in 1928, and finally merged the two together in 1962 to become Colombo-Stella 1149.
We held a grand event at the Fresno Fairgrounds for nearly 230 guests. The evening began with cocktails and appetizers, and there was a tour available to the newly renovated Italian Heritage Museum for anyone who wished to see it. Our Master of Ceremonies Steve Barra, welcomed the crowd, introduced President Olivia DeLiddo who wore the same regalia her grandfather wore 100 years ago. Past State President Comm Maria Fasio Pignati honored the Mother Lodge by singing the Italian National Anthem and the National Anthem of the USA, beautifully.
Guests were served a delicious steak and rigatoni dinner, catered by Pardini’s, with wine and all the trimmings, while Olivia and Steve spoke about some of the 100 years of history. Most of the Grand Council was in attendance. Many dignitaries were introduced, including our Past State Deputy Janis Hanson who served Colombo-Stella for about 30 years, our current State Deputy Lou Catallo, State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski, who presented the Lodge with a Certificate of Appreciation for our Centennial Anniversary, Past National President Vera Giralomi, and Past Hon Vice Consul to Italy here in Fresno, Edward L Fanucchi, amongst many others.
Guest speakers were Michael Giovannetti, who received a Sons of Italy scholarship in 1966 as a student on a Visa from Lucca, Italy. He still believes that it was his most important scholarship, allowing him to pay his tuition to Fresno State and begin his future. Our second speaker was Peter Tocchini, from the Isnardi Foundation. Peter spoke about how their association with our lodge has provided full ride grants to many of our youth members, enabling them to focus on

C. Steve Olivia and Peter Tocchini.

Italian Museum touchscreens.

Maria and Maurizio singing.

Cubicciotti vest and regalia.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786