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Heritage and Culture

Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149

by Olivia DeLiddo, President

  • 27 January 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1833

Happy 2022. It has been quite awhile since I have written an article. We, the Mother Lodge, are entering our 100th year. Our Lodge was founded in September of 1922, and since we are the first and oldest Italian fraternal organization in all of California, this is a very big deal. Some of you may remember the time our Lodge nearly folded, twice. We had some very lean times, but we rebounded.

We are planning to have a huge celebration in September and I need everyone to help. There are 100 years of memories, pictures and documents that are in our members archives. I am asking everyone to look into their picture albums, their clippings and send me any highlights you think I should have. I plan to make a special video of the people that have been instrumental in Colombo-Stella’s 100 years.

I need to start this project early, so please check asap. I will give more details of our event as it gets closer. I am trying to coordinate it with Grand Council.

There is also something else I’d like to ask. Many of you were at our 90th Anniversary celebration 10 years ago. We had a display of all of our historical items. One went missing. It was the Fez our Founding members wore on their heads 100 years ago! It has OFDIA above the lion and Colombo 1149 below it. I have placed an ad in this paper, so you can see the picture there. I immediately called the restaurant and had all my members ask everyone they know. Someone has it. There is a reward and no questions will be asked. We just want this important part of our history returned.

For those of you interested in the Italian Museum at the Fresno Fairgrounds: Our Grand Opening has been postponed due to the Omicron variant.

We are working on a couple of “no-contact” fundraisers.

Our youth member Hannah Craig (who is now moving up to Regular member) has become a first grade teacher! Youth member Luca Fanucchi is thriving at Notre Dame. New youth member Sophia Linder is doing well after her 2nd knee surgery.

We are not meeting in person until we can safely do so. I pray you all are doing well and are staying healthy.

Until we can meet, Ciao.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786