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Heritage and Culture

Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149

by Olivia DeLiddo, President

  • 27 April 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 4405

Hello Members. As I write this, we are sheltering in place because of Covid 19 and unable to have our meetings. I want to reassure all of you that our Lodge is here for you if you are having a hardship. This is what we are about. Please contact me at 559-312-5151, if you need help. All of our meetings are cancelled until further notice. I will keep in contact with you for Lodge business via email, text, phone calls and if we can make it happen: meetings by internet. If you want to make sure you get informed, please send your updated email address to sonsofitalyfresno@gmail. com

I would like to thank State President John Costa for making the very difficult decision to cancel our State Convention this year. I’m sure it wasn’t easy, but we, as a family, value each other’s health and safety first and foremost.

On that same note, as some of you already know, I have cancelled our September Fundraiser, which will celebrate our 98th Anniversary. It broke my heart to make that decision, because so many people love attending this celebration. The problem is that April is the month that I start asking for donations for our raffle and silent auction. I just don’t feel right asking businesses that are struggling right now to donate to our event. What I want to ask all of you is to remember our loyal donors, buy their products, order from their restaurants, and if they are closed now, be the first in line when they reopen. I have a list of loyal donors on our Facebook page that have donated to us in the past. Please help them out.

Some of you know I am a Committee Member on the expansion of the Italian Section at the Fresno Fair Museum. That project is still going on, but we are working on it via our computers from home. We have a brochure out that explains more, and if you want to be a part of the project, how you can help. I am putting the brochure on our Lodge Facebook, and the project has a Facebook page and website. FresnoCounty- ItalianHeritageMuseumExpansionProject.

This quarter we have welcomed 5 new members, Emanuela De Rosa, Sally Caglia, Linda Scambray, Cindy Cardella Schletz and Jared Bertoni. It is very difficult to grow in the best of times, growth during a pandemic is a blessing. Welcome to our Sons and Daughters of Italy family!

We Italian’s, as a people, don’t like to be without our family around us. I live for FaceTime these days, to be able to see my kids and my grandson. I can’t wait to hug them. But until then, I am staying safe and following the rules. I pray that all of you and your loved ones stay safe. This Lodge is family, too. Please take every precaution and stay home, if you can.

Until next time,


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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786