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Heritage and Culture

Cesare Battisti Lodge #1815

by Louise Vicino

  • 29 May 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2851

Greetings from Petaluma!

I woke up this morning to a sun filled room, looked out on my beautiful garden with all the red and yellow roses in bloom. The sun shining on the leaves looked like beautiful sparkling diamonds. What a great feeling to be alive and to enjoy God’s beautiful work in Mother Nature.

We are all living in such difficult times. We can not hug our family, our grandchildren, or friends. We are not having company unless you sit out in our backyards or garages, and talk at a distance. No lodge meetings, no bunco, no card playing and especially no partying.

This pandemic has certainly changed our lives, but hang in there, keep yourself busy, and keep a good thought and pray that it will all be over soon and we can get back to our normal lives. In the meantime call someone who you think might need someone to brighten their day. A good word helps a lonely person.

President Ernie has informed me that we will not be having a meeting until further notice. Lucchese Center is closed due to the Covid situation.

Hopefully when we can finally meet we will be discussing Octoberfest to be held in October, our Christmas Party and the Crab Feed in February.

Get well wishes to anyone who is ill and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating. Happy Fathers Day to all. Let us remember our beautiful fathers, those are with us and those who have passed on.

Pray for our service people, the homeless, victims of crime, our country and the world. Pray that they find a vaccine quickly to end all this devestation caused by this virus. Keep safe my friends, I miss seeing you and hope we will meet soon.

Remember to be kind to someone, you will always get it back in return.

Louise Vicino

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786