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Heritage and Culture

Cesare Battisti Lodge #1518 Petaluma, CA by Louise Vicino

by Louise Vicino

  • 10 September 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2787

Greetings from Petaluma!

Well another month has gone by and we are still in this terrible pandema. It seems like there is no end in sight, so we must continue to be viligant in our handwashing, wearing our masks and keeping social distance.

So many of us in the Lodge are people who live alone and this staying in our homes by ourselves is wearing us out physically and emotionally. Thank God I haven’t heard of any of our members who have gotten the virus and I hope it stays that way. Try to keep busy by thinking of calling someone else who is by themselves and who is probably very lonely. Work puzzles, do some reading, but don’t just watch TV all day long.

I want to thank all the lovely people who have called to tell me that they enjoy my articles and want to know how I am doing. I really miss all of you and I hope we will be able to get together soon.

Lucchesi Center is closed and until it opens we will continue to not have any meetings or events. It is hard to plan for anything until we know it is safe for us to meet and to have our dinners.

I am sorry to hear that our President, Ernie Giono, is stepping down as our President at the end of this year. We will need someone to step forward and accept the position. Jim Gambonini will have to hold down the fort until another person is found, so if you are interested in running for office please let Ernie know.

They also need someone to do the newsletter for the Lodge. I submit the articles for Il Leone newspaper, but someone has to do the newsletter on the computer. If anyone is interested contact Ernie

At this time, I would like to thank Ernie and Ron for all they do for our Lodge and its members. They have worked hard before and up to now, never asking for thanks. Ernie has done an excellent job in his Presidency and Jim Gamboni has done a great job when he had to run a meeting. There are so many members to thank for all their hard work. We’ll talk about them in the next issue.

In the meantime Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all who celebrate this month. Get well wishes for anyone who is ill.

Please pray for our service people, our homeless, victims of crimes, our Country and the world. Pray that they find a vaccine and rid the country of this virus. Stay safe my friends.

And remember to be nice to someone you will always get it back in return.

Ciao, Louise Vicino

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786