Here we are again, getting closer to Grand Council and our Open House the weekend of March 21-23!
It has been a very busy month traveling from my house to the Grand Lodge office! We are ready (as ready as we will be) for our Open House March 23. I am excited to show it off and hope that you will all attend.
The Grand Council will also be meeting there the weekend of March 21-22, 2025. Be sure to get your reports in on time. The only thing we have found is that there even though there are many restaurants in the area, they are small.
It has been such an experience emptying out the boxes at the office. (still many to go) What treasures and memories we have discovered!
Wow the winds and rain have been horrible
Well here it is February and hope everyone had a great Valentines Day.
In January I was able to do the installation of officers for the Enrico Caruso lodge in Visalia with the help of there State Deputy and Youth Committee Chairperson Brian Watson. In February I was able
Dear Brother and Sisters,
I’d like to apologize first for not having an article last month. Our Sacramento Lodge was having its 100th Anniversary Dinner and we had so much to get ready that I was not able to write my monthly article. A fantastic time was had by all! President Danny Marinelli along with sister Pam, and the Anniversary committee did an outstanding job putting everything
January of an odd numbered year brings the installations of each lodges new slate of officers. I’d like to congratulate all the new officers, especially the first timers, thank you for stepping up, to serve your lodge for the next 2 years.
On January 16th, our president, Arlene Nunziati and I
Attended the Watsonville lodges meeting
The celebration of the Sacramento Lodge’s 100th Anniversary was held on January 25th and exceeded our expectations with over 100 attendees! We were able to celebrate the fellowship of our lodge, as well as four members with 40, 45, and 50 years of being part of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. Honorees were: David Carboni – 50 years; Pam Tedesco – 50 years; Barbara Alfidi – 45 years; and Ed Smith – 40 years.
The lodge was originally founded by Eduardo Gustalli, Giovanni Santini, and Armando Bondi on January 7, 1925 as the Giacomo Puccini Lodge. Many years later, in January 1991 the Regina Margherita Lodge #1423 merged with the Sacramento Lodge. Two of the noteworthy pieces on display that evening was the original charter and a ledger dated 1926-1936 written
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786