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Heritage and Culture

C. Colombo Lodge #1315

Anna Lucido Makes Us Proud

  • 8 December 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 5248
C. Colombo Lodge #1315

When Anna Lucido was just a little girl, Nana Mary Lucido brought her into the Order Sons of Italy along with her ghree other sisters. It is Anna’s service to c Colombo Lodge her outstanding grade point average and her involvement in school and local community service projects that earned her a financial award from the Lodge’s Schoarship Committee.

When Anna attended Freedom High School she was active in Math Club, CaliforniaScholarship Federaton and the National Honors Society. As a member of the InteractClub, Anna participated in a variey of community widecharitable events among raising funds to fight the last vestige of polio, a cripplin disease. She was part of the team that refurbished the garden at Laurel Elementary school, which led to her longterm interes in environmental issuew facing the world today.

Anna was president of the Italian Club at Freedom High School for three years. Under Anna’s leadership the club took Italian cooking lessons, turning out cucidati for the annual C. Columbo Cucidati Festival. At Lodge fund raisers, the cluub members served dinners and worked the booths. Anna’s great grandmother, CarmellaAiello, made costumes for all the members of the Itlian Club to highlight their dance performances of the Tarentella.

As Anna heads off to college at California State Universary at Monterey Bay, she plans to pursuea degree in Environmental Studieswithminors in Spanish and Pre- Law. Her dream is to have a career in Environmental plicy. T uote Anna, “I wnt to help all people by working first hand to ensure that environmental las and regulations are enorced so our environment doesn’t ge destroyed or destroy us.”

C. Colombo Lodge is blessed by being able to help AnnaLucido pursue her dream!

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786