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A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 29 April 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 2165
A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

The forthcoming is news on the Grand Lodge Council Virtual Meeting held on March 20, 2021.

The meeting started at 11:00 am. Roll Call of Officers, Pledge of Allegiance, and the Invocation was given. A reading and approval of the minutes for Saturday, October 10, 2020 Grand Council meeting. proceeded.

Reports were given by each of the state Officers after the meeting was closed the meeting of the Western Foundation was opened. Reading and approval of the minutes for Saturday, October 10, 2020 proceeded. The Western Foundation Committee Chairperson reports were given.

The Western Foundation Meeting was closed and then the Grand Lodge Committee Chairpersons Reports were continued.

In brief, (not in order) the following items were discussed. There was Concern over declining memberships. The Order has dropped to 3,300 members with the closing of five lodges during the past year. There will be no Royal Pageant at convention 2021. It was reported the February 2021 Fundraiser/raffle chaired by Mark Rossi Trustee of the Western Foundation was successful with a gross of $5,805. and after expenses a Net of $4,270. A Golf Tournament is set for October 11, 2021 in the South. The Grand Lodge will have a one-day 2021 Convention, to be held at the Grand Lodge Hall on June 26, 2021 with few council members on site. All others to participate in the convention online at home. Two resolutions will be presented and acted upon at this year’s convention. The first, resolunumber of delegates to two per lodge versus delegate numbers being determined by lodge membership. The second resolution proposes to have the State Grand Lodge of California Convention held every other year versus every year. It was reported that National will still have the NELA held on May 28, 2021 on U-tube, with an Auction, with donations and more to come. National Convention Virtual meeting will be in August and extended to October 2021 in Florida. Our next Grand Council Meeting will be held at the Double Tree in Napa, CA on September 20, & 21, 2021. The Grand Council will be Honoring Past Grand Lodge President Lynn Lawrence Murphy. The financial reports were reviewed.

Our State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi read the list of members sent to her, informing her of their intent to run for a State Office.

I am looking forward and encourage many to connect and participate in the Grand Lodge of California State Convention on June 26, 2021 on-line.

Fraternally yours


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786