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Heritage and Culture

A Message from the State 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 13 December 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2053
A Message from the State 1st Vice President

Dear Members,
Hopefully, those Lodges that have a candidate for the upcoming Royal Pageant for the 2022 Grand Lodge Convention in Southern California have sent their participant notification to Pamela Ricci, Royal Pageant Chairperson. This is one of the few opportunities that we have to highlight our youth. This is a fun event and a good opportunity to encourage the youth members to get involved. Please let us all make, an effort to support this event whether you have a participant or not!

The sessions of the National Convention in August 2021 by Zoom ran smoothly and like clockwork! Our National President did an outstanding job keeping order and moving right along. No time was wasted and lots of business complected.

I hope the email I sent to the lodge Presidents with information regarding the National Convention was read and shared with your members. This is valuable information informing our members of what is happening within our Supreme Lodge.

News in brief: Our National Technology Committee developed a show on Facebook entitled OSDIA Interviews LIVE and other innovative programing.

If you, or lodges you are a member of, wish to take advantage of advice on how to start your own programing, sizzle reels, or other things the committee has done, you can contact Dr. Mary Kovach (, Dr. Mark DeNunzio (, and/or Lisa Marie Falbo, who does our producing (

Our OSDIA Interviews LIVE, has made amazing progress in marking and promoting OSDIA to the world, even during a pandemic. There were 30+ live interviews with amazing guests, and over 500,000 views and more than 800,000 reaches on our social media platform.

After each season, we had sizzle reels (short clips of OSDIA interviews) promoting the series for the next season. These short clips are also on our YouTube channel and website.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021, I was invited to the Hanford Lodge #1543 regular meeting and Thanksgiving Dinner. It was delicious dinner with great hospitality! If you’re looking for a great Christmas gift their 90th Anniversary edition cookbooks are still available to purchase.

On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 6:30pm I was invited to a RingCentral Video meeting with the Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149. Lodge President, Olivia DeLiddo held a productive meeting with business taken care of with upcoming events discussed and dates scheduled. Their Christmas Dinner will be on December 11, 2021. The Lodge will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary in September 2022. The Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149 is the Mother Lodge of the Grand Lodge of California, OSDIA. I am looking forward to attending the celebration of their 100th Birthday!

On Sunday, November 21, 2021, I attended Enrico Caruso Lodge #1463 Annual Penny Social and Fundraiser for our Lodge Queen Elizbeth “Lizzy” Simon. It was a fun day for the senior & junior members and guest. The Penny’s do add up for a successful event.

Buone Feste -- May you have peace, hope and happiness at Christmas and during the New Year.

Ciao – until next month


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786