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Heritage and Culture

A Message from State President

John Costa

  • 4 April 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2300
A Message from State President

As I write this we (your Grand Council) just completed a virtual “Zoom” Grand Council Meeting. Thank you to all the officers for your patience and it was nice to see a few other lodge members sit in. This has not been an easier year for our filial lodges, but I know we will overcome. All of the Grand Lodge business was taken care of.

Our State Convention will be done by “Zoom” also this year. The date of our Convention will be June 26th 2021, Mark your calendars. This will be an interesting task, more information will follow shortly. As I stated last month, this is an election year. Those members who wish to run for an office within the Grand Lodge please sends a letter of intent to our State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi.

As our counties begin to open up, please remember to follow the guidelines of your local government. I personally am looking forward to visiting a few lodges prior to the end of my term in June (fingers crossed). Even if I am unable to before June I will make up for lost time and still venture out to your local Lodge activities.

One thing we still notice at the Grand Lodge office is many members’ beneficiaries are not correct or up to date, for those with Life Insurance with the Grand Lodge. Please review this, it makes it a lot easier when we are processing.

We will be placing an ad this week for a new Office Manager. It is not easy hiring someone during a pandemic, but we will have someone in there soon. Please continue your patience with us; we will continue to monitor phones and emails. Again thank our Recording Secretary Lori Rossi for doing double duty.

Lodges using zoom for your meeting please send me an invite to attend, I will try to log in when I can. As always feel free to contact me either by email or phone. Thanks go out to our vice presidents for keeping our filial lodges up to date on what is happening up and down the state.

Hang in there everyone. Vaccines will soon be administered to everyone soon

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yours Fraternally


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786