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Heritage and Culture

A Message from State President

John Costa

  • 8 December 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2289
A Message from State President

First and foremost Andy, please get well, I miss your reminder email that my article is almost late. Take it slow and easy. I know Debbie will do a great job in your absence.

Please keep Andy in our thoughts and prayers as he recuperates!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Turkey sandwiches for all for the next week. November has flown by, now it is time to hear all the Christmas carols as we walk into the various stores thinking about what to buy for that perfect gift. As I mentioned in my last article, you could always purchase a “winner every day ticket”. They are available, just contact the Grand Lodge office. It’s a gift that will give back over and over if you are lucky.

Just when I thought my time would slow down, it seems that it’s just the opposite. Between meetings, officers’ meetings, anniversary celebrations and dinners, I wonder how I have time to work, (don’t tell my boss). I thoroughly enjoy being State President for the last two and a half years. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but the rewards are there! Speaking of anniversaries, I was suppose to attend the Caesar Battista Lodge’s 90th anniversary on Oct. 10th, but it was postponed due to the northern California fires. However, they were able to change the date to November 14t. Congratulations to the officers and members on a great event and an outstanding meal.

Speaking of fires, once again I have not heard of any member with loss of property. I know a lot of us lost food when the power was off., but we are all safe and our homes as well. Thank you once again to our First Responders and Firefighters.

Those lodges interested in having a young lady or gentleman participate in the Royal Pageant, please contact Eva Lavezzari, the committee chairperson. This is a great way for both the filial lodges and participant to earn extra income, and it’s a fundraiser for the Grand Lodge. Even if your lodge does not have a participant, the lodge could still sell tickets for a chance to earn extra money or win a cash prize. Let’s work together!

I have been hearing that a lot of our lodges have been initiating new members, this is great.

I am initiating a group of new members at the end of November at that Northern Solano Lodge.

Keep up the good work, “Remember, MEMBERSHIP” is the key to our existence.

With 2021 right around the corner, have you thought of your New Year’s resolutions yet?

Let’s all work together to help our Grand Lodge flourish in the years to come.

Again, my phone is always on; feel free to contact me anytime. An open line of communication is the key. We have so many ways to communicate now, let’s use them all.

Touch base with our Social Media Committee to see our Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, just the new avenues to get the word out that we are the “best kept secret”. 

In closing, First Lady Donna Lee and I wish all of you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and, here is to a very prosperous New Year!!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786