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Heritage and Culture

2024 Italian Heritage Parade in San Francisco

Maria Fassio Pignati, Chair, Italian Language, Culture, and History

  • 1 December 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 338
2024 Italian Heritage Parade in  San Francisco

San Francisco’s 156th weekend celebration of Italian Heritage began on Friday night, October 11, with a great reception at INNOVIT…the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub in San Francisco, hosted by our Consul General Sergio Strozzi, for Queen Isabella and her Court, their parents, and the Italian Heritage Celebration Board of Directors.  The next night the Italian Heritage Celebration hosted its beautiful Grande Ballo at the JW Marriott Union Square,  with over 250 people witnessing the crowning of Queen Isabella, Nina Gumina Rivera, the knighting of Christopher Columbus as portrayed by Joseph Cervetto, Jr., and the presentation of the Royal Court (Princess, Duchesses, Contessas, Ladies in Waiting, Maidens, Crown Bearer and Scroll Bearer, and young Explorers). A big group, all in period costumes!   

    Sunday, October 13, started with a solemn High Mass at Saints Peter and Paul, at which  Queen Isabella and her Royal Court, Christopher Columbus, the Knights of Columbus, civic dignitaries, and members of our Grand Lodge participated. Queen Isabella, her Court, and Columbus processed in, walking under an arch formed by the swords of the Knights of Columbus.  In Washington Square across the street, there was a beautiful showing of Ferrari sports cars that everyone enjoyed, with strolling music by the Ron Borelli Trio.

The next stop was Fisherman’s Wharf to assemble for the parade.  Representing our Grand Lodge was State President Arlene M. Nunziati, riding in the lovely convertible belonging Columbia Lodge trustee Diana Garibaldi, the driver, and was accompanied by Lodge Treasurer Silvana DaDalt.  Bringing up the rear was Past State President and Past Italian Heritage Celebration President Maria Fassio Pignati in a beautiful 1947 Cadillac convertible driven by owner Mike Marchiorlatti accompanied by his wife Helen,  in a 1940’s outfit and hairstyle.   Looking up, there was a United Boeing 777 performing amazing acrobatics, considering its size,  in conjunction with Fleet Week.  As the parade wound its way to North Beach, there were thousands of people cheering us on, clearly enjoying the beautiful weather and delicious food provided by the many restaurants on the route.  There were 93 entries from as far north as Portland, OR, and as far south as San Diego, and bands, floats, antique cars, novelty acts, ethnic groups and children’s groups featured in the longest continuous celebration of its kind in the United States. This year’s Parade Grand Marshal was Joe D’Alessandro, former SF Travel President and CEO.  At the close of the parade, the world-famous Blue Angels zoomed overhead with a thrilling aerial show  to end our Italian Heritage Celebration for this year.

     And once again……Please make every effort to protect Columbus Day in the United States against the growing threats that have placed it in danger.  If someone is trying to remove Columbus Day recognition from your area,  contact your legislators and tell them to protect this holiday that honors not only the amazing achievement of an Italian navigator who opened up the world, but also the 26 million-plus Americans of Italian descent that helped create our great nation.  While it is important that our indigenous brothers and sisters are justly honored for their ancient heritage, it should not be at the expense of ours.  Our National Lodge, in conjunction with our Commission for Social Justice, is working hard to preserve this holiday. Please contact them for further information and to obtain pamphlets with historically correct information about the great navigator.  Please don’t think Columbus Day is safe, please don’t wait for someone else to save it, and please don’t wait until it is too late…act NOW to protect YOUR heritage for future generations.

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786