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Heritage and Culture


Arlene M. Nunziati & Maria F. Pignati

  • 31 July 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1459

Our beautiful 86th Grand Convention was hosted by the Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534 of Reno, Nevada at the Silver Legacy in Reno.

Special thanks to Lodge President Dawn Romero and Immediate Past Lodge President Pam Ricci for all their hard work towards making the week so special for all the delegates.

The State Trustees held their trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 20 and did an excellent job of checking the books.  This meeting was followed by the Closed Grand Council session. 

That evening State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski and First Gent Ken hosted a delicious family style thank you dinner at the La Strada Restaurant.  The State President welcomed everyone and she presented special gifts to all her council members and committee chairs who were such an asset to her during her two years in office. In return she was acknowledged with a beautiful jewelry box and a gift card.    It was a perfect start to the Convention.

On Wednesday, June 21, the Grand Council meeting was held and was followed by another great Bocce Tournament.  Bocce is always a great way to start off our festivities.  Congratulations to our winning teams who all received their prizes on Saturday.

First Place:  RENAISSANCE LODGE; Diane and Fred Fascenelli, John Russo Jr and 100 year old John Russo Sr.

Second Place:  VINCENZO BELLINI LODGE:   Roy and Yvonne Vanoni, Tony George and John Denito.

Third Place:  CENTINELA VALLEY LODGE: Mark Vaona, David Lavezzari, Steve Guthrie and Brian Sinaguglia. ($40.00 each)

A Big thank you to referees Ugo Pignati, Chris Cifelli, Mauro Romagnoli and Louie Lodi who did a great job keeping things moving.

After Bocce we had some free time to eat or gamble and then it was time for the Slot Tournament!! This is always so competitive and so much fun and enjoyed by all. 

Big winners on the Slots were Phil Privitera and Peyton Privitera who were visiting from Boston, John Russo St and Linda Enneman.

Thursday a.m.,  bright and early, delegate credentials were checked by Guards Paul Grant, Steve Guthrie and Casey Clark and then  the officers lined up to be escorted into  the hall and formally introduced by Grand Herald Monica Domini of the Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #1441 of Sparks, Nevada.  The Italian and U.S. anthems were sung by Past State President Maria Fassio Pignati and the colors were posted by veterans Hugh Ricci, Past Gent Bill Murphy and Mauro Romagnolo.  Cristoforo Colombo Lodge President Dawn Roero welcomed the assembly, as did Convention Coordinator and Past State President Lynn Lawrence Murphy.  Our State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski was introduced and she thanked the delegates and guests for their support and assistance during her term.   Convention then began.  State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi announced the guidelines and some “housekeeping” items to inform delegates of procedures and necessary information, and reports were given, including the very important Financial and Budget Reports presented by State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari. . We were very honored to have our National 5th Vice President Tony Bisceglia Anderson in attendance representing our National President Robert Bianchi.  We were also fortunate to have the State President of the Grand Lodge of the Northwest, Linda Buccini Anderson, in our presence for the entire convention.  Thank you Linda and Tony for joining us and sharing your thoughts during our discussions.

The Necrologio was given by Past State President Maria Fassio Pignati, who remember the brothers and sisters who passed in 2022, including our State Orator Manny Finazzo. A small shrine to Manny’s Memory was placed at the rear of the hall, with his picture and a memorial candle. In addition there was a table of memorabilia from the Reno Lodge and one from the Sparks Lodge, as well as a table from the Cornelia Vita Nuova Lodge #1198 of San Francisco, which is the second lodge to celebrate its 100th anniversary.  This was presented by the Italian Language, Culture and History Committee.  At noon we adjourned for the Presidents’ Luncheon honoring State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski, where we all enjoyed a most delicious salad and dessert.   (I must say the food was excellent at this convention) All the Lodge Presidents and Past State Presidents in attendance were honored with a small token of appreciation.  A wonderful way to remember not only our State President but also the Past State Presidents and the Lodge Presidents.  Thank you to the MC Dawn Romero and to Renee Adair, StateTrustee for a beautiful invocation.

Then it was back to the convention where more business and discussions were held.  Delegates found many goodies on their table from aspiring candidates seeking election.  At the Special Order of the Day, candidates were nominated and anyone with opposition then gave a speech describing their history with the Order and future goals.  This went along very smoothly and as you have read in the State Presidents article, we elected some new State Officers.  At the end of the session we were all invited to the State President’s suite where the delegates could meet and greet and speak to the nominees.  Thank you Barbara for hosting this get together.

Spaghetti Western Night (Cowboy Night) was the theme for the Thursday evening buffet and what a fun and happy occasion it was. The toe tapping dance music by Chris Costa was terrific and everyone was dressed in Western gear.  The buffet served was excellent.  No complaints and many went back for seconds!

Friday morning we were up early for the voting which took place between 7:30-8:30a.m.  And then the session started at 9a.m.  Our 5th National Vice President Tony Bisceglia Anderson presented the Colombo Stella Lodge of Fresno a certificate from National congratulating them on their 100th anniversary which was celebrated last year, and also presented the Cornelia Vita Nuova Lodge of San Francisco a certificate from National congratulating them on their 100th anniversary this year.  We then had a very interesting presentation by Shayla Kaestle, CPA and Managing Director of our National Office, and Patrick Longano, Chief revenue officer/co-owner of an exciting new  membership system, IMembersDB software,  which is being offered to all Grand Lodges and Local Lodges by the National Lodge.  It was informative and had much potential, and the lodges seemed to love the concept which is being paid for by National and is free to lodges.

We adjourned for lunch where we went to celebrate the Royal Court of the Golden Lion presented by the Sons of Italy Western Foundation in recognition of our outstanding donors.  Another delicious lunch was served to us and a presentation was made by the Veterans Guest House of Reno Nevada.  Mark Rossi, CAO of the Western Foundation presented a $2,500.00 check to this very worthwhile charity. We have many donors who are receiving additional diamonds on their gold lion pins, and we also had some new members join this year.  Our top donor is Gloria Garibaldi from the St. Helena Lodge, whom we thank for her dedication, as well as all of the generous donors who support this cause.

Back to the convention where we waited anxiously for the election results which took quite a while.  Business was resumed and FINALLY the results were announced!  I was very proud and humbled to be elected your State President.  I have all the other officers listed in my State President report. Thank you to Election Committee Chair Don Cradduck and Al Girolami, Michael Leoni and Mauro Romagnoli for doing a great job counting the ballots.

Friday was a free night for all the delegates – something we normally don’t have.  It was truly a great evening.  Some delegates went to the Aces Baseball Game and some attended the Rodeo which was in town, some hit the casino, while others had a relaxing dinner.

Saturday we were back to convention business.  Mark Rossi, CAO of the Western Foundation, opened up the meeting for reports and updates.  State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari gave the WF Financial Report and answered questions.  Our delegates lined up to make all their donations to our approved charities.  The Lodges’ hard work is truly heartwarming.  Medical Charities Chair and Past State Queen Mary Lucido gave a wonderful report that included speakers from the Heart Association, Cooley’s anemia and Alzheimer’s whose presentations were very moving.  We were blessed that our Honorary Western Foundation trustee, Brother Phil Privitera from Boston, made several generous donations. Including $1,000.00 to the Il Leone in memory of Andy Pampuro and $2,000.00 to the Youth Program, as Phil and his son Payton participated in their excursions and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  CAO Mark Rossi then adjourned the Western Foundation meeting, and President Barbara reconvened the State Convention.  .  Reports were very interesting this year especially the membership report given by Dee Dee Dreme, who did a great job. Youth Committee Chair Brian Watson presented the children and adults who attended the fun events hosted by the Committee for our youth who came to convention, and who are the Future of our Order.

The Janet Capello Award was presented by State Third Vice President Louie Lodi to long time member Mike Carroll, who was the Chair of our Alzheimer’s/Cooley Anemia charities, and his wife Karen, in recognition of their many years of dedicated service to the Order.  It was great seeing them!  Our State Queen Brianna Simon was also presented and was congratulated on receiving her Master’s Degree in Education.  Speaking of State Queens, it was announced by Royal Pageant Chair Pam Ricci that the Contest and Pageant has reached it natural end, and that the Grand Lodge will be looking into a Youth Ambassador Program, and will research other ways to raise funds for the Lodges and Grand Lodge.

Then the big moment – the new Grand Council was installed in a very impressive ceremony conducted by National 5th Vice President Tony Bisceglia Anderson, Past National President Vera Girolami and assisted by Past State Presidents Maria Fassio Pignati, John Costa and Lynn Lawrence-Murphy.  I was escorted to the podium by Past State President John Costa and I was thrilled and honored to have my grandson Lorenzo Nunziati in attendance to invest me with my beautiful regalia.  Thank you Lorenzo and everyone who assisted.  Such a special time.

At 4 p.m. we attended mass, which was celebrated by Fr. Chuck Durante, Vicar General and Rector of the St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral in Reno and then prior to the Grand Banquet I hosted a champagne reception for everyone again in Sister Barbara’s suite. 

The Grand Banquet was beautiful.  Maybe we didn’t have the number of people as in the past, but the hall was set beautifully, the meal was great, Chris Costa’s music was wonderful and everyone had a beautiful evening.  MC Hugh Ricci of the Cristoforo Colombo Lodge did a great job and kept everyone smiling.  We even had some impromptu singing by well-known Dolly Sinatra Lodge VP and entertainer Frank DiSalvo.  Absolutely a night to always remember.

Four scholarship winners were in attendance to receive their award and made us so proud of their accomplishments.  They need to keep in touch with us so that we know more about their future endeavors.  Brother Phil Privitera made a stunning $10,000.00 donation from the Privitera Family Charitable Trust to his mother’s scholarship, the Jennie “Jean” Privitera Memorial Scholarship.  Phil, your generosity is commendable and we are most grateful. 

On Sunday morning, my first duty as SP was to chair the National Delegates’ meeting followed by a brief Grand Council meeting.

It was wonderful to see all of the delegates at convention even though some of the lodges were not represented but we also had members who just came on their own to Reno.  The convention was so full of love and fraternity and we all agreed to “agree and disagree”!  Special thanks again to the Cristoforo Colombo Lodge of Reno, to Lynn Lawrence Murphy, convention coordinator and to  State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi for the incredible amount of work she did to ensure the convention ran smoothly.

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786